Is Love Just Enough for Marriage? – 10 things to consider before saying “I do.”

It is sometimes common to observe that many couples are divorced before they even say “I do.” This is most likely because some of the things that lead to divorce have always been there all along in their relationship, before their wedding day. But, such discrepancies are often ignored because the couples are blindly in love. The joy is not only in getting married, but in staying married. Now, we will discuss some of the 10 things you need to consider before saying “I do.”

  1. Are you two compatible and how long can this love take you?

One of the first things you need to ask yourself is: how compatible are the two of you together in your relationship? And, do you see yourself being with this one person throughout your lifetime? Sometimes, what you think is love may not be true love, but rather infatuation or lust, or floating. True love is the only thing that can keep both of you together throughout your lifetimes. Troubles in the marriage are inevitable but, true love will help you to always overcome.

Is Love Just Enough for Marriage? – 10 things to consider before saying “I do.”

You need to carefully take a deep look into your relationship in attempt to determine the answer to the quester: Is Love Just Enough For Marriage? And you can watch the complete teaching to understand if love is just enough for marriage.

Watch the following video to know if love is just enough for marriage.

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