Prayers for Your Husband

Praise the LORD friends and family. Today I will be praying for your marriage, and especially for your husband. Maybe your husband is suffering from addiction, or he is abusive or unfaithful to you. There is no situation God cannot change when we pray. That is what ministry is all about. The Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that

“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

So, God needs someone to stand in the gap and pray. And because you have chosen to intercede for your husband, God will give you a heart of forgiveness and love to always pray for him.

Prayers for Your Husband and Marriage

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for this marriage that you will grant them lasting peace, joy, harmony and comfort. Lord we pray that you enable them to have good communication in their marriage, easy resolution of any conflict, give them singleness of mind and purpose in Jesus name. Father, we pray that You help them to grow in love for each other, to have absolute sincerity and live daily to please You. We pray that You bless them with all blessings You have assigned for marriage. The Word of God says in Genesis 2: 23-25

The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

We pray for the marriage, that You will help them to be one. Let there be unity in their marriage. We pray You take away any form of separation between the man and his wife in the name of Jesus. And above all, we pray that You take away anything that will bring shame or disgrace to their marriage, in Jesus name.

Father, we thank You because in Proverbs 5:18,19, the Bible says:

May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.

Prayers for Your Husband – Peace

We pray for the husband. That he will continue to see his wife as a loving and graceful person. May he be satisfied with his wife only and rejoice in her, in Jesus name.

Father, we thank You because, also in Proverbs 18:22 the Bible says:

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.

We pray that he will receive favor from You and come to realize that his wife is a good woman. LORD, touch his heart today, in Jesus name.

Prayers for Your Husband – Peace and Restoration

Heavenly Father, we pray that You calm every storm in their marriage. And take away anything troubling their marriage. Help them to find strength and unity despite their differences. LORD, we pray that You help the wife to be submissive to her husband. Also, help the husband to love his wife. Moreover, we pray that You restore trust, joy, love and peace among them. And we pray for the husband that You will help him come to know Jesus if he has not done so before.
Or if he has moved away from the faith, we pray for his total restoration back to the love of God. Father, we pray that You will lead him in every way. Help him not to operate in the flesh, but in the Spirit. LORD, we pray that You will keep him from every attack of the enemy, in Jesus name. Father, we ask that You take away from him any lust. And prevent him from falling for any seduction from another woman.

Prayers for Your Husband – Rebuild and Restore

LORD, take away any stony heart or any form of aggressiveness from the husband. Moreover, help him to forgive his wife. And bring him back to his family. Let him no longer find enjoyment in any ungodly relationship. And restore his love for his wife and marriage. Help him Father, to remember and keep his marriage vows. Separate him from all those who are working against the success of his marriage. Bring him into submission to Your will and purpose for his life.
Help him to begin to make deliberate steps to unite and build his marriage. I pray for healing and restoration of their marriage. Let the heart of the husband be turned to his wife and likewise, let the heart of the wife be turn to her husband. Father, take away every hurt from his heart and help him to totally forgive his wife in any way she might have hurt him. Heal every hurting heart and bring them back together again.

Prayers for Your Husband – Deliverance

I pray Jesus, that You take away every seed of anger, unforgiveness, hatred and malice. Remove separation or divorce the enemy might have sown in the husband’s heart. Help him to be the loving and caring husband and father, he is called to be. I pray that You, oh God, renew their love for each other and restore the joy, peace and comfort. Restore all the blessings You have assigned to their marriage, in Jesus name.

Deliver him from lying, deceit, cheating, adultery, addiction or pornography. Remind him of his marriage vows and help him to keep them. Father, turn his heart unto his wife and help him to be committed to his marriage. Pull out from his life all those who secretly or publicly work against the success, continuity or growth of his marriage.

Prayers for Your Husband – Prophetic Declaration

Father, I thank You because Your word says in Job 22: 28 that,

“You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.”

Therefore, I break every ungodly soul-ties he might have bound himself with any other woman apart from his wife. I decree and declare that he is totally free from every evil relationship with another woman apart from his wife. I declare him liberated from any enchantment in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. LORD, I pray that he will no longer find pleasure in any ungodly relationship he might be involved in and I pray that You turn his heart away from such relationship, in Jesus name. I pray that You bring every unfaithful spouse back home. Let him find the courage and strength to come back home to his wife and be reconciled in Jesus name.

Father, take out from him the stony heart and give him a heart of love. I command every burden to be broken off him. Jesus, I pray You give him godly friends and colleagues to guide him in Your way. Help him to come out of any ungodly friendship leading him astray from Your will and purpose for our marriage.

I pray that the husband love and cherish his wife every day. Moreover, let him no longer find satisfaction in any ungodly relationship

Prayers for Your Husband – Prophetic Declaration

The Word of God declares in Matthew 19 vs. 6 that, “Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”

Therefore, I decree and declare that you and your husband are no longer two but one. And because God Almighty has joined you together, nobody can separate you. Nevertheless, the Word of God must be fulfilled in your life. Hence, I take down every barrier standing between you and your husband.  

Moreover, I decree that God take away from your husband’s eyes, heart and life, every evil thought, plan, person, power or personality assigned to crack, break or dissolve your marriage. Jesus, I pray that you touch every heart opposing their marriage and issuing discouraging information or instructions to the husband against the success of their marriage. And I pray that You bring such persons in subjection to Your divine will and purpose, in Jesus name.

Prayers for Your Husband – Warfare

I call on God Almighty, the Father of all creation, who instituted and blessed your marriage. To arise with vengeance against every spoiler or group of spoilers who are intending to spoil your marital union. I take authority over every horde of Satan, demons, principalities, powers or personalities who are determined to hurt or damage your marriage.  And I command them to release their holds of and flee from your marriage, in Jesus name.

The Bible says in Isaiah 59 vs. 19b, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.”

Therefore, I pray that the Holy Spirit lift up a standard of security to protect your marriage, in Jesus name. And a standard of offence against the enemy, and against every flood of attacks, enticement of your husband, manipulation of his mind towards you and your marriage.

Prayers for Your Husband – More Prophetic Declaration

The Word of God says in Numbers 23 vs. 23, “For there is no sorcery against Jacob, nor any divination against Israel.”

Therefore, I decree and declare that every form of sorcery, incantation, divination, enchantment against you and your husband, they be nullified. And wiped out of existence, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

The Word of God further declares in Isaiah 8 vs. 10,

“Take counsel together, but it will come to nothing; Speak the word, but it will not stand, For God is with us.” 

Therefore, I stand upon this Word of God and decree that every evil counsel or word spoken against you and your marriage to your husband shall never stand, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

You can visit our Youtube page to listen to this prayer. Or you could also use some other prayers found here as you intercede for you husband and marriage.

Send us a prayer request, if you have one, here.