We have recently updated these prayer point to include other aspects not previously covered. You can watch the latest version on Youtube

  1. Thank God for all the benefits He has bestowed on you and your loved one.
  2. Confess and repent of all sins you have committed.
  3. I command the restorative elements of God to bring back to me every of my possessions I have lost, in Jesus’ name.
  4. Father, put all my enemies to shame and force them to release my possessions they have been holding back from me, in Jesus’ name.
  5. Whoever has deceived me to take my possessions from me, receive the fire of God and restore back to me everything you took from me, in Jesus’ name.
  6. Whoever has diverted my possessions, I command you to release them back to me a hundred-fold, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  7. Every covenant that opens the door for my enemies to seize my possessions, I break and destroy you with the blood of Jesus Christ, in Jesus’ name.
  8. Everything the enemies took from me that I am not aware of, I command total restoration, in Jesus’ name.
  9. I receive strength to pursue all my pursuers, in Jesus’ name.
  10. I receive divine strength to overtake and conquer all my enemies, in Jesus’ name.
  11. I take hold of divine strength to recover all I have lost today, in Jesus’ name.
  12. I take hold of divine strength to receive total and permanent restoration of everything the enemy stole from me, in Jesus’ name.
  13. Father God, lead me to the placement of receiving total restoration of my possessions, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  14. All who took any my possessions from me, when I was weak in prayer I command them to restore to me everything they took, in Jesus’ name.
  15. Everything the enemy took from me when I was spiritually weak; I command total restoration, in Jesus’ name.
  16. By the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, I pursue all those who have been pursuing me and I recover all my possessions from them, in Jesus’ name.
  17. Every evil finger stretched out against me, for my downfall, I destroy by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  18. I wipe out of existence every negative written code delaying the release and restoration of my possessions, in Jesus’ name.
  19. With the blood of Jesus Christ, I wipe out every negative hand-writing negating the release and restoration of my possessions, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  20. Every tree producing bad fruits to delay or hinder the release and restoration of my possessions, I command you to be uprooted and devoured by the Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus’ name.
  21. Every evil decree issued against the fulfilment of the will of God for my life, I revoke and nullify you, in Jesus’ name.
  22. Every decree limiting or negating the release and total restoration of all my possessions, I destroy you in the name of Jesus Christ.
  23. I speak the favour of God upon my life, in Jesus’ name.
  24. I am favoured in everything; and in every way, in Jesus’ name.
  25. I receive unusual favour to fulfil my destiny, in Jesus’ name.
  26. I take and exercise dominion over all the forces of wickedness that chased me from the placement of the fulfilment of my destiny; and I destroy them, in Jesus’ name.
  27. I reject by fire, every sickness the enemies planned for me, in Jesus’ name.
  28. I reject untimely death from my life, in Jesus’ name.
  29. Every thief assigned to steal from me my God-given possessions, I command you to be confused and flee from me and my possessions empty-handed, in Jesus’ name.
  30. I bind and send to hell every devourer designated to waste my possessions, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  31. Every evil mark upon my life, that attract the attacks of the enemies, I wipe it off by the blood of Jesus Christ, in Jesus’ name.
  32. I destroy by fire, all the forces allied together against the release and total restoration of my possessions, in Jesus’ name.
  33. I destroy by fire, every evil seed planted against the release and total restoration of my possessions, in Jesus’ name.
  34. Any person or personality who has stolen my true identity in the spiritual or physical realm, I command you to be embarrassed and restore back to me NOW, all you took from me, in Jesus’ name.
  35. I remove out of my way every mountain, barrier, obstacle, or impediment between me and my possessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  36. TODAY, I bind and destroy every strongman, physical or spiritual limiting or negating the release and restoration of my possessions, in Jesus’ name.
  37. I command every door closed against me to hinder the fulfillment of my destiny, to be opened in the name of Jesus Christ.

Please, kindly spare a few moments of your time to Pray For Someone who is in need of your prayers now.

You can send your prayer request to us HERE. We are delighted to bring them before the throne of God. Visitors to our site can also pray for you.

The LORD is answering your prayers. Keep on praying! God Almighty intervenes when you pray!