Clickhere for the latest prayer points for the new year 2020

Just like Jesus Christ did not do anything without first praying, it is note-worthy to start praying for the new year 2017 with heaven-touching prayers. Prayer is a strong tool for every Christian believer. Prayer puts you before God. The devil fights very hard to keep you from praying because of the effects of prayer. He can try to hold you down with weakness, sickness, unhappiness, family problems, loss of job, and many other things.

But the Bible says: “Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Whoever seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door is opened.” Matthew 7 vs 7-8.

The year 2017 is a great year filled with lots of God’s blessings. God has set 2017 aside as a special year for you. Following the example of Jesus Christ, it is necessary to pray, and if possible fast, before or as you enter into the year of God’s manifested blessings. Sections of praise and worship could be carried out before these prayer points. Every section is backed up by Biblical references.


1 Thessalonians 5 vs 18

“Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

  1. Father God I thank you for all the various blessings you gave to me in 2016.
  2. Lord, I thank you for making me see the end of this year 2016 and for bringing me to the entrance of the new year 2017.
  3. Father, I thank You for the open doors, breakthrough, deliverance, healing, miracles, signs and wonders You performed in my life and in the lives of my loved ones, this year 2016.
  4. Thank You for fulfilling Your Word in my life and family.
  5. And I Thank You Lord for all the battles, trials, persecution, illnesses, losses, troubles, and all hard things I encountered in 2016.
  6. Jesus, Thank You Lord for granting all my requests, in accordance to Your will.
  7. Jesus I appreciate You for making me Your ambassador on earth, in Jesus name.


1 John 1 vs 8 – 10

“8 If we claim, “We don’t have any sin,” we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from everything we’ve done wrong. 10 If we claim, “We have never sinned,” we make him a liar and his word is not in us.”

  1. Oh God, forgive me every sin I committed against You in 2016, in Jesus name.
  2. Father, I confess that I sinned against You in the year 2016
  3. I, hereby, repent of all known and unknown, willing and unwilling sins I committed in 2016, in Jesus name.
  4. Lord, I pray that You empower me to live a sinless life from now and throughout my lifetime, in Jesus name.


Matthew 7 vs 7, John 14 vs 14

Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Whoever seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door is opened.”

  1. Father, I thank you for the privilege to ask from You and receive all I ask in Jesus name
  2. My God, I ask that you grant my wisdom for excellence in 2017, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  3. I pray that you give me insight and a clear sense of direction for success in 2017, in Jesus name.
  4. God, I pray that you lead me peacefully to fulfill Your will for my life and destiny in 2017, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  5. Lord, open my heart to comprehend the extent of Your love, blessings, healing and all good plans you have for my life for 2017.
  6. Oh God, I pray that you 2017 as my year of open doors for greatness, success, promotion, increase and joy in all areas of my life.
  7. LORD, I humbly ask that you grant me unlimited access into the reserved blessings, in Jesus name.
  8. I pray that the year 2017 shall be my year of good health and fulfillment, in Jesus name.
  9. Oh God, I ask that you lead me in 2017 to the heights of prosperity I have never attained before, in Jesus name.
  10. Father, create an entrance into fruitfulness for me as I enter into 2017, in Jesus name.

John 14:14 “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

  1. LORD, I receive the key to open every door in 2017, to Your glory and for my benefits, in Jesus name.
  2. I receive the power to prosper, succeed, excel, overcome all evil and trials, be victorious and remain on top in 2017, in Jesus name.
  3. God, I receive the anointing of healing and miracles for 2017 in Jesus name. Sickness is not my portion any-more, in Jesus name.
  4. I receive the grace for unstoppable advancement in 2017 in Jesus name.
  5. In 2017, I receive a double portion of glory, success, good-health, profit, advancement, open-doors and divine appointments.
  6. I reject shame, hardship, failures, sicknesses, losses, stagnancy, setbacks, hindrances and disappointments I have suffered in past years, in Jesus mighty name.


10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[c] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

  1. Every evil power assigned against my success in 2017, be bound in Jesus name.
  2. In Jesus’ name, I destroy every imagination of satanic forces against my breakthrough in 2017.
  3. Any agent of darkness assigned to bring shame, disappointment, disgrace, disfavor or any misfortune to me in 2017, I command you to fail in Jesus’ name.
  4. I command every stronghold of Satan on my prosperity, be broken as I enter 2017, in Jesus name.
  5. Every horn attacking or set to attack me in 2017, I scatter you all in Jesus name. – Zechariah 1: 18-21.
  6. I shatter every horn lifted up against me to bring shame in 2017. Zechariah 1: 18-21


You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways. (NKJV)

I stand on the Word of the Everlasting God:

  1. And I declare that the year 2017 is the year of the fulfillment of all God’s promises upon my life and family. Joshua 21: 45
  2. Declaring boldly by faith that sickness, disease and untimely death is not for me nor for my loved ones in the year 2017 in Jesus name. Exodus 15: 26
  3. I declare prophetically that in 2017, no or attack of any kind planned against me, in any way or in any form, shall succeed in Jesus name. Isaiah 54:17
  4. Year 2017, I declare you as my year of  “Divine Replacement.” Whatever evil is planned against me shall automatically fall on the heads of my enemies in Jesus’ Isaiah 43:4
  5. I decree that “Unusual Favor” shall follow me in 2017, in Jesus mighty name.
  6. And I declare that 2017 is my year of the full manifestation of the gifts and calling of God upon my life. 2 Timothy 1: 6.
  7. Prophetically declaring today that in the year 2017, “Total Restoration” is my portion, in Jesus name. Joel And I declare that everything I have lost in past years be restored totally to me in 2017 in Jesus name.2: 25.
  8. I declare that the blessings of God will flow upon my life in 2017, from the very first hour in Jesus name. Joel 2: 23
  9. And I receive favorable conditions to sow my seeds and reap bountiful harvests in 2017 in Jesus mighty name. Joel 2: 23
  10. I decree “Open Doors for Breakthroughs” in all areas of my life in 2017, in Jesus name. Isaiah 45: 1b
  11. With my hands wide opened, I receive 2017 as the year God will subdue all my enemies before me, wherever they are, and bring me to His divine Purpose. Isaiah 45: 1a
  12. I pray Oh God, go before me and make every uneasiness peaceful, every pain to become gain, every sorrow turned to joy, every dryness to fruitfulness in Jesus name. Isaiah 45: 2a
  13. In 2017, all the unbreakable gates and bars that hindered me in pasts year are broken in pieces, in Jesus mighty name. Isaiah 45: 2b
  14. I prophetically declare today that in the year 2017, no witchcraft power, no demonic stronghold, no force of wickedness, no principality nor power shall be able to touch me or any of my loved ones, in Jesus mighty name. Luke 10:19
  15. And I decree that no enchantment or divination against me shall succeed in Jesus name. Numbers 23:23
  16. I decree that my blessings shall locate me in 2017, in Jesus name.
  17. Unusual Provision is my portion in 2017, in Jesus name
  18. And I declare that in 2017, I shall be (remain) the head, be ahead, be above, be victorious, be fulfilled, be successful in all my endeavors in Jesus mighty name.

******* For Men *******

  1. By faith, I declare that my marriage shall be stable, strong, successful, fruitful, sickness-free, break-proof in Jesus name.
  2. I receive power to remain the only and true husband to my wife, a caring father to my children, and a blessing to my family and friends in Jesus name.
  3. In 2017, distractions shall not come into my marriage, in Jesus name.
  4. *** I receive the blessings of the fruit of the womb in 2017, in Jesus name. ***
  5. 2017 shall be the year of the overflow of God’s blessings upon my marriage, in Jesus Christ’s name.
  6. Any man assigned against the success of my marriage shall not enter into 2017, in Jesus name.

******* For Women *******

  1. I declare that 2017 shall be my year of total peace in Jesus name.
  2. And I decree that every Jezebel sent or set to lure my husband away, receive the fire of God and perish, in Jesus name.
  3. ***I prophetically declare that I will carry my own child(ren) in 2017, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.***
  4. In 2017, my marriage is untouchable by the forces and workers of darkness, in Jesus name.
  5. I receive power to be a submissive wife to my husband, a loving mother to my children and a blessing to my generation, in Jesus name.


****** Unmarried Men ******

  1. I will locate my wife in 2017, in Jesus name.
  2. Prophetically, I declare that in 2017, my wedding shall be celebrated gloriously in Jesus name.
  3. I receive the finance to have a successful wedding and start up a blessed family in 2017, in Jesus name.


******* Unmarried Ladies *******

  1. By the grace of God, in 2017 my husband shall locate me and propose marriage, in Jesus name.
  2. I decree that God will bless me with a successful wedding and a blessed marriage in 2017, in Jesus name.
  3. Financial blessings shall be poured upon me in 2017, in Jesus name.


  1. Thank you Lord for answers to my prayers in Jesus name.
  2. Lord, I bless Your holy name for the year 2017 is the year that only Your will and purpose will be done in my life and family.